SPONSORED CONTENT Think of the women in your life. Chances are, at least one comes to mind who you can’t help but describe as “confident”—the type of woman who knows who she is and what she wants out of life, has her own (killer) sense of...

SPONSORED CONTENT Uncomfortable, awkward, and fear-inducing—no, we’re not talking about a chance encounter with our exes. It’s that other special, unannounced visitor that really cramps our style: our periods. The average woman will spend over six years of her life on her period. Six years! That’s...

SPONSORED CONTENT You're probably reading this on a cell phone or laptop. And you'll probably only spend a couple of minutes reading it (at most) because so many other distractions are competing for your attention - apps, websites, notifications, colleagues, children. Add to these distractions the...

We absolutely love the transition from winter to spring. Longer days, warmer nights, light-weight PJs, cocktails at sunset, sand, sun, the promise of summer … need we say more?! As you shrug off your parka and freshen your supplies of allergy medicine, here are 7 quick...

With the holiday season behind us and the New Year in full swing, it’s time to finally put those resolutions to get healthy into action. For the majority of us, that means hitting the gym, but your commitment to health shouldn’t end there. This February,...

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