Mar 17 How to win at snacking
We’ve all experienced them … the hunger pangs between meals, the late-afternoon energy slump, and the intense craving for sweets that easily derail any good intentions we have to be healthier. Our natural reaction is to reach for any snack to hold us over because it is convenient. Whether you want to lose weight, manage diabetes or need long-lasting energy to keep your life moving, picking the right snack is critical to your success.
Healthy On-the-Go Snacking for People with Diabetes
Paloma Kemak has Type 1 Diabetes and blogs at Glitter Glucose about her experiences. She has long, hectic days working as a fashion merchandiser. While being active is beneficial, her busy schedule makes it tough for her to regulate her blood sugar.
“Every day I drop low at the same time and I completely crash in-between meals. I have been taking breaks and eating lunch at completely off hours because I can’t seem to make it to my next meal,” said Kemak. “I’ve taken desperate measures when I plummet and haven’t been prepared. I drank someone’s opened, old, expired soda that they left in the fridge on my most desperate occasion and I don’t want to do that again!”
“My job is important to me because diabetes is a part of me but it’s not all of me. Balancing my full-time career, while managing blood sugar levels is not easy. I’ve introduced Extend Bars into my routine and it has made a world of difference for me,” said Kemak.
Extend Nutrition Bars are game-changing #NoCrashSnack bars. Whether you want to lose weight, manage diabetes or need long-lasting energy to keep your life moving, Extend Nutrition Bars will support you unlike any other product on the market. And the best part? They taste good; you don’t even know there’s science behind the formula. Hidden inside these candy-like bars is a unique Nutra9 Blend™ of ingredients, a patented combination of proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates clinically proven to help control blood sugar for up to 9 hours. It is safe to say that no other product comes close.
Try a free Extend Bar yourself. Experience Extend Nutrition Bars and all the health and nutritional benefits that go with it. You can now get a FREE bar to try. Head on over to Extend Nutrition here to request your FREE bar today.
Jessica Apple owns A Sweet Life e-zine with her husband Michael Avid. Both have Type 1 Diabetes and started the magazine to provide information to others. Molly Johannes is a contributor to A Sweet Life and knows first-hand how difficult it is to control your blood sugar while leading an active life. In addition, she is careful about how many carbohydrates she consumes in order to control her diabetes.
“Extend Bars that I tried either had 1 or 0 net grams of carbohydrate. Yes! They’re essentially the unicorn of snack foods, and a great choice for a person like me who has diabetes,” said Johannes.
Snacking Can Be the Enemy of Weight Control
Managing weight loss through snack and meal planning takes time. And when life gets in the way, many turn to quick (often unhealthy) snacks to fill the void.
Ray Ball, a blogger with A Few Hungry Girls turns to Extend Nutrition bars to curb her cravings when life gets in the way of her meal prep plans.
“It’s hard to always pack my lunch or meal prep all these healthy snacks in cute containers that match, with a custom lunch box. On my quest to find something easier, convenient, and healthy, I found Extend Nutrition Bars,” said Ball. “When it comes to long-lasting energy, these Extend Bars help keep my life moving and they taste so good; you don’t even know there’s a ton of science behind the formula.”
“What I also like about Extend Bars is how they help keep my blood sugar from dropping. Extend Nutrition snacks are designed to outlast other nutritional products and are clinically proven to help control blood sugar for up to 9 hours,” said Ball.
Snack Your Way to a Healthy Lifestyle
It’s no secret that smart snacking is key to healthy eating habits. Working an Extend Nutrition Bar into your workout routine will help keep you on track.
“With Extend Bars, you’re gonna feel fuller, longer. You like that. I like that. We all like that. Some things that I super love about Extend Bars are that they are protein packed and gluten free. Some are even sugar free, or low sugar, because they are naturally sweetened with stevia,” said Taylor Kiser of Food Faith Fitness.
Extend Nutrition Bars are clinically proven to reduce calorie intake at your next meal up to 21%. Add them as between meal snacks at mid-morning and mid-afternoon and you’ll feel fuller longer, helping you stay on track to reach your goals and shed the pounds.
Brittany Polson, a registered dietitian and blogger at Your Choice Nutrition, recommends Extend Bars to her clients to help them achieve their health and wellness goals. And she keeps them on hand for quick #NoCrashSnack on the go.
“I am training for my upcoming half marathon. These bars fit in perfectly to my meal plan as a way to provide the fuel I need for my long runs. They are also great as a post-workout snack option,” said Poulson.
If you want to experience Extend Nutrition Bars and all the health and nutritional benefits that go with, you can now get a FREE bar to try! Head on over to Extend Nutrition here to request your FREE bar today!