4 Last-Minute Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas


This is not a drill. Despite all of your best intentions, it’s down to the last minute and you’re trying to find your special someone the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day…on your way home from work. Now is not the time to panic! Your friends at Stream22 have you covered with the perfect last-minute (no judgement) gift ideas to make sure you aren’t left in the dog house this year and to show you #CareEnough. We even did a little recon work at our local Walgreens to make sure we weren’t sending you down the aisles unprepared.

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(Image from @Camillewhiting)

Your Approach

After many years of scrambling for last-minute gifts on birthdays, Christmases and anniversaries (not our finest hour), we’ve crafted a system for making sure your present will keep you in your loved one’s good graces. We call it, “The Basket.” Whether you put it in a wicker basket or not, the idea is that everything you’re gathering as you’re walking down the aisle should follow a theme and could be given in a gift basket. We’ve put together four can’t-miss basket ideas. Feel free to thank us later.

  • At-Home Spa: This one is great because a store like Walgreens has just about everything and you can really pull together a basket that will leave your partner relaxed and in their own oasis at home. We suggest heading over to the bath and grooming section for bubble bath, calming lavender lotion and cucumber facemask. Next, track down a candle with their favorite scent, a box of chocolates and you’re all set!
  • Movie Night: This works for a night out at the movies or a cozy night at home. For the at-home version of this basket, locate the microwave popcorn, their favorite movie treats in the candy aisle, a fuzzy blanket (or matching robes?) and a classic movie on DVD. This gift is all about carving out time to spend together. If you’d rather go out to the movies, swap out the DVD for a gift card to your local theatre and call ahead to see if they allow robes in their theatre…don’t mention the candy.
  • “The Classic”: Walgreens has made this gift basket really easy on you. We call it, “The Classic,” because it’s just that – exactly what you think of when you think of Valentine’s Day. Grab a heart-shaped box of chocolates, some flowers, a teddy bear holding a heart and pretty much anything with a heart, the color red and the word LOVE printed on it. The best part is? It’s all in the same aisle. Get your cupid on and dive head first into the Valentine’s Day goodness.
  • Sweet Tooth: If your loved one has a sweet tooth, this should be a pretty easy one. The key to this basket is to make it personal. Odds are, you know what their favorite sweets are. Half of your basket should be the things that you know they can’t live without. Once those are secured, it’s time to think outside of the box and get them something new to try. Chocolate covered potato chips? Those big, frosted sugar cookies that are only out this time of year? A gallon of chocolate milk? We’re not here to judge. You know your sweetie and what sweet things will send them over the moon. Let them indulge in a little sugar and you may be on your way to a little sugar yourself.

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(Image from Katie’s Bliss)

The Finishing Touch: With an average cost of $3-$5 per card, a greeting from Hallmark is a small investment from your finances, but a big investment in your relationship. This gift isn’t complete without some hand-written words from you in a beautiful #HallmarkAtWalgreens Valentine’s Day card. We don’t mean to get overly sappy on you here, but perusing the Hallmark card aisle requires you to reflect on all the things that you admire about your partner, or why you fell in love with them in the first place. And don’t forget that a Hallmark card and the sentiment it conveys can be saved and cherished long after Valentine’s Day. It lets them know how much you care about them – and reminds you not to wait until the last minute to buy a gift next year!


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